The Idaho Summit 2024: The Value of Vision

The Idaho Summit 2024: The Value of Vision

Hey there, folks! We just wrapped up the Idaho Summit 2024, and wow, what an event! The theme this year was “The Value of Vision,” and let me tell you, the speakers were nothing short of inspiring. I took some detailed notes, and I’m excited to share the key takeaways with you all.

Jeet Kumar – CEO of Intime Tec

Jeet kicked things off by diving into Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. He reminded us that while the bottom three levels are all about survival, it’s the top two—esteem and self-realization—where real life happens. To move from mere survival to truly experiencing life, we need an epiphany and a willingness to put in the work.

He shared insights from the book “Tribal Leadership,” which outlines five stages of leadership:

  1. All life sucks
  2. My life sucks
  3. I’m great
  4. We’re great
  5. Life is great

A whopping 76% of people are stuck in the first three stages! Jeet urged us to shift from “Why me?” to “Why not me?” and to see our adversities as keys to success. He emphasized the importance of self-discovery, community, and celebrating life. Remember, we are human beings, not human doings.

Kylie Brandon – The Kyndness Foundation

Kylie brought a fresh perspective on leadership, emphasizing the power of kindness. She outlined four types of leadership:

  1. Laissez-faire – “Whatever you want”
  2. Autocratic – “I make the decisions”
  3. Transactional – “Rewards and money”
  4. Transformational – “Support the individual to support the whole”

Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams by communicating a clear vision, making it measurable, and ensuring everyone knows how they contribute to the mission. Kylie stressed the importance of leading by example, being transparent, and creating a culture of growth and development.

Michael Wolsten – Author of “Work + Love”

Michael’s talk centered on aligning your team with your vision using the ABCs:

– A – Assess: Get real with your team and understand the ground truth. Use tools like pulse surveys to gather honest feedback.

– B – Build: Focus on culture, service, growth, financials, and systems. Create a positive environment and track progress.

– C – Commit: Recommit to your vision regularly. Your vision is too important to not share with the world.

He reminded us that great leaders are not afraid to ask for help and to always strive for alignment within their teams.

Sean Hancock – Recycled Minds

Sean highlighted the power of storytelling and visualization. He explained that vision is a powerful tool: if you can see it, your people can see it too. Vulnerability fosters trust, and sharing your story can inspire others. He used the example of Roger Bannister breaking the four-minute mile to illustrate how achieving the impossible can inspire others to follow suit.

Sheli Gartman – Women Ignite

Sheli encouraged us to be the 2%—the action-takers and future builders. She introduced the concept of masterminding, where two or more minds come together to create something greater. She emphasized focusing on strengths and using tools like Gallup StrengthsFinder to understand and leverage them. Personal development, she argued, is the gateway to professional development.

Jared Oviatt – Endeavor HCMC

Jared’s talk was all about the practical aspects of leadership. He defined leadership as an action, not a position. Great leaders make educated choices, seek truth, empower their teams, and focus on lifting others. He quoted Victor Frankl: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Dr. Cindy McGovern – First Lady of Sales

Dr. Cindy wrapped up the summit with a dynamic presentation on sales. She asserted that everyone is a salesperson and that every interaction is a sales opportunity. She emphasized the importance of personal branding, making a memorable impression, and not being afraid to ask for what you want. She reminded us to give first and to always seek ways to surprise and delight our clients.

This summit was a powerful reminder of the importance of vision in both personal and professional life. Each speaker brought unique insights, but the common thread was clear: a compelling vision, combined with intentional actions and a supportive culture, can transform our lives and our businesses.

So, what’s your vision? How will you bring it to life? Let’s share our stories, lift each other up, and turn our challenges into blessings. After all, if you can see it, they can see it!

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s keep this conversation going and inspire each other to new heights!

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